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nokia software

Nokia Software is divided into three sections: MCU & PPM & EPPROM MCU: and is a region with a title and start and end address of each device is different from the other and function of this region: * Update of the device Alvirgn BUG FIXES any solution to the problems existed in the old Alfregn Solving the problem of the card is denied Solving the problem enter the correct card • Some problems contact service * And some of the problems Alnt NETWORK Problems Of information and this does not mean that he is the repairs in full, because there are problems that may have a relationship with hard ware

PPM: It is a language region in the device and also its address will enclose the map for addresses in this lesson ... As is known, there are many languages ​​in this world and if they wanted to Nokia, put all in one device, you'll need a memory of a computer so I decided the company's work packages languages ​​begin to bundle A, so every package contains some of the languages ​​and divided on the world map any packet East Middle and from within the package to see and it includes a clear Arabic language package and Europe 1, Europe 2 ... Etc. and each one of them include language of the country that put on the list And Alan has developed so that this region has become the largest in the area of ​​new devices to include new development and is the T9 is a dictionary or the rate of write-in mobile phones, especially in the SMS messages

EPPROM: a task sensitive region inside the device and any tampering in this region leads to the destruction of the device and called the devastation that occurs in this region of water or of tampering, such as scanning this region of the unintentionally TOTAL LOSS any means including mass destruction of the device In this region there are the so-called EMMI # serial number for each device and device ID of Nokia devices, serial number and this number is important for the company because of which recognize the type of device and when it has been maintained and that it was guaranteed ... Etc. (note that each device purchased from Nokia will be using his guaranteed for a year from anywhere in the world by one subsidiary of Nokia), and how, because the company circulated the serial number on any system nokia service center knows where he bought and how much remained of the bond. ....* For information must be sure to register your phone on the internet or even apply them bail ....* Back to Ebrm: Alaeprom controls in the device, which he gives each order for the device And all the serial number of the device will be defined on the network that gives service and have the right to put this number in the Blacklist Black List in case of theft or non-payment of invoices hear and be guided and found a way to change the serial number to prevent it (the way is illegal in some countries should know the law of your country)
From here we have we learned what it means software and what are its contents

In previous years, any specifically in the year 1995, I found in Britain and I was working in one of the centers Nokia for maintenance and there were only the original software with the original equipment and there was no breach of these programs and after a period with increased interest in these programs and with the expansion of GSM network in the world increased the demand for such equipment, and prices were the subject of the imagination, care for everyone breakthrough hardware and software maintenance, Nokia and programming

It was the first breakthrough is the decryption SIM LOCK SOLUTION Before talking about decoding I would like to speak about the encryption SIM LOCK Encryption: Nokia approved in previous years that if the purchase amount from the organs of a particular party of any specific network PROVIDER shut down its on the network and is not entitled to any SIM CARD is all the SIM's for this network device is running and is a protection for the network, and here they can network to sell its cheap because it will not be SIM mode last in the device and thus be able to get their bills or prepaid cards on the next period (policy or marketing strategy, Nokia has put them in the Sunni precedent for companies when it proved that he does not break through this program and The SIM CARD is not another running machine)

To decrypt: As I said earlier has been puzzling for all on this subject and how NOKIA NMP monopoly on the market in this equipment and software began to company Lugar manager of the first companies to manufacture cables with a simple program in that period and when anyone tried programmers revealed that the logo is a point and We can change it to any form we want and after trying this, and after successfully concluding the use of cables M2bus & F2bus for the purposes of decoding and was landing the first program is called NOKIA TOOL is a program to read the device and the decryption and was one of the best and most prestigious programs revealed at that time. I learned Nokia on this issue and decided to go down in its new or Alvirgn the new rate of devices on the market devices are not decryption, raising concern over this issue because the demand for these things has increased a lot and found something new called FLASHER CABLE KIT any special cable can readers that any address located on the software

FLASFER Vlocr: Find programmers that encryption is on the Soviets ware and it's called PARTIAL FLASH if breached or delete the device becomes SIM FREE accept any slide and the idea of ​​flasher from the Nokia original that Nokia use their link to LPT programming devices and not DATA CABLE normal burning on 9PIN. And then continued to change Alfaragn Nokia devices and continued breakthroughs to become Nokia devices of the type of DCT-3 and penetrates the entire company because Nokia decided to take down other devices of the type of DCT-4 that I know that the DCT-3 was completely impenetrable What are the information devices DCT-3 & DCT-4 DCT-3 NMP phones 3210/3310/3330/3350/5110/5210/5510/6110/6150/6210/6250/7110/8210/8250/8290/8850/8890 DCT-4 NMP phones 8310/6510/6310/9210 now

And today one of the easy work of anything in the Nokia DCT-3, such as changing Alfaragn, language and even the original tones and clearly display any Lighten or darken your image and possible change in the list, or change the words in the list as possible instead of Rami messages or anything else instead of a picture or written in the letters I put a bird and so on Alan can any tampering with the device as you like and do not forget that he can change the content of some organs such as the 8210 to 8250 or 6210 to 6250, and other things

And still no to this day programmers were able to access the factory settings and re-code your devices DCT-4 and there is a special program for this and only today can solve some problems in the Contact service device 8310 and 6310
Do not forget me the replies and thanks 

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